




The English word for “睡衣” is pajamas or pyjamas. Pajamas are a type of clothing that are worn for sleeping or lounging around the house. They are typically made from soft and comfortable materials such as cotton or silk, and come in a variety of styles such as two-piece sets or one-piece jumpsuits.

Pajamas are a popular choice for bedtime because they are comfortable and can help regulate body temperature while sleeping. They also provide a sense of relaxation and comfort, which can help improve the quality of sleep.

In addition to being worn for sleeping, pajamas are also commonly worn for lounging around the house or on lazy weekends. Many people enjoy wearing pajamas all day long, especially during the colder months when they provide warmth and comfort.

Overall, pajamas are an important part of many people’s sleep routines and are a comfortable and practical choice for bedtime and lounging.


The English translation of “睡衣” is “pajamas”. Pajamas are a type of clothing that people wear when they go to bed. They are usually made of soft and comfortable materials such as cotton or silk. Pajamas come in many different styles and designs, ranging from simple and plain to colorful and patterned. Some people prefer to wear pajamas that are loose-fitting, while others prefer a more snug fit. Pajamas are not just for sleeping, however. Many people wear them around the house as comfortable loungewear. Some people even wear them out in public as a fashion statement. Whatever your preference, pajamas are a cozy and comfortable clothing option that are perfect for relaxing and unwinding after a long day.


Pajamas, also known as pyjamas, are a type of clothing worn for sleeping or lounging at home. They typically consist of a loose-fitting shirt and pants made of soft, comfortable materials such as cotton or silk. Pajamas come in a variety of styles, including onesies, two-piece sets, and shorts and tank tops. They can be plain or patterned, and often feature fun designs or characters.

Pajamas have been around for centuries, with the word itself originating from the Hindi word “paejama” which means “leg garment”. They were traditionally worn by men in India and later became popular in the Western world in the 1800s. Today, pajamas are worn by people of all ages and genders, and are a staple in many households.

In addition to being comfortable, pajamas also serve a practical purpose. They help regulate body temperature while sleeping, keeping us warm in colder months and cool in warmer months. Pajamas also protect our skin and bedding from sweat and oils that our bodies naturally produce during sleep.

Overall, pajamas are a cozy and essential part of our sleepwear collection. Whether we prefer classic flannel sets or trendy onesies, pajamas help us relax and unwind after a long day, ensuring a good night’s sleep.


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