




The English word for “王子” is “prince”. A prince is a male member of a royal family, typically the son of a king or queen. In many countries, the prince is next in line for the throne after his father. Princes often receive special training in leadership and diplomacy, as they may one day become the ruler of their country. In fairy tales and children’s stories, princes are often depicted as brave and heroic characters who rescue princesses from danger. In reality, being a prince can come with many responsibilities and expectations, but also many privileges and opportunities.


The word “prince” in English is pronounced as /pr?ns/. It is spelled with five letters, P-R-I-N-C-E. The word “prince” refers to a male member of a royal family, especially a son of a king or queen. In literature and fairy tales, princes are often portrayed as brave, handsome, and charming characters who rescue princesses and defeat evil villains. In real life, princes may have different roles and responsibilities depending on their country and culture. Some may be involved in politics, while others may focus on philanthropy or business. Overall, the word “prince” is a term that carries a sense of nobility, power, and prestige.


The English name for “王子” is “Prince”.

Prince is a title given to a male member of a royal family, especially a son or grandson of a king or queen. In many countries, the title of prince is also given to the heir apparent to the throne.

Throughout history, there have been many famous princes, such as Prince William of the United Kingdom, Prince Harry of the United Kingdom, and Prince Albert II of Monaco. These princes are often involved in charitable work and represent their countries on official visits and ceremonies.

In popular culture, there are also many fictional princes, such as Prince Charming from Cinderella and Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid. These characters are often portrayed as brave and heroic, rescuing their love interests and saving the day.

Overall, the title of prince represents a position of power and responsibility, whether in real-life royalty or in fictional stories.


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