









Title: Pearson Pre-school English Preparatory Level Audio

Pearson Pre-school English Preparatory Level Audio is a great resource for young children who are learning English as a second language. The audio program is designed to help children develop their listening and speaking skills in English through fun and engaging activities.

The audio program includes a variety of activities such as songs, stories, and conversations that are designed to help children learn English in a natural and enjoyable way. The program also includes a range of different voices and accents to help children become familiar with different English-speaking cultures.

One of the great things about the Pearson Pre-school English Preparatory Level Audio program is that it is easy to use. Children can listen to the audio program on their own or with the help of a parent or teacher. The program is also flexible, allowing children to listen to the audio program at their own pace and on their own schedule.

Overall, the Pearson Pre-school English Preparatory Level Audio program is an excellent resource for young children who are learning English. The program is fun, engaging, and effective, and it can help children develop their listening and speaking skills in English in a natural and enjoyable way.


Title: What can you do?

As a young child, there are many things that I can do. I can play with my toys, draw pictures, and sing songs. I can also learn new things, such as counting and reading. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, and we often play games together.

In school, I am learning how to share with others and be kind to my classmates. I am also learning how to follow rules and listen to my teacher. I enjoy going to school and learning new things every day.

Outside of school, I like to explore nature and go on adventures with my family. We go on hikes, visit the beach, and go to the park. I love being outside and discovering new things.

In my free time, I also like to read books and watch movies. I enjoy stories about animals, superheroes, and princesses. I also like to dance and sing along to my favorite songs.

Overall, as a young child, there are many things that I can do. I am curious and eager to learn new things, and I enjoy spending time with my loved ones.


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